
3 Proactive Tips to Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy

Posted by Tiffany Brenner

As the old saying goes, a little prevention is generally worth lots of cures. That means it's worth investing time to research good diets, healthy amounts of exercise, proper training, and other proactive measures to maintain your dog's health. Start with these three proactive steps to keeping dogs healthy and happy.


Keeping dogs healthy and satisfied mostly boils down to common sense and accepting guidance from vets and other pet professionals. Checking off on these simple tips offers a good start.

1. Ensure dogs enjoy a healthy diet

Just about every list of healthy dog tips starts off with nutrition. In the US, commercial dog food should supply basic requirements, but some pets thrive with extra supplementation or without certain ingredients.

For instance, some vets say that typical dog food doesn't provide the best balance of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, so an omega 3 supplement can help dogs with dry skin and coats. As another example, some dogs can develop sensitivities or allergies to specific ingredients, even after years of eating one brand, so pet owners should watch for symptoms like itchy skin or digestive problems. Of course, it's always prudent to take these sorts of questions to your vet.

Besides choosing high-quality food, ensure dogs eat the right quantity for their size and activity level. Also, extra treats shouldn't add up to more than about 10 percent of their daily calories. If you're sharing human food, the American Kennel Club has a reminder to be sure to avoid chocolate, garlic, and other things that are fine for people but harmful for dogs. Finally, always make sure your pet has access to plenty of clean water.

2. Include adequate exercise and playtime into daily schedules

As with people, exercise and diet can work together to ensure a healthy weight and strong muscles and bones. Some highly active breeds need more exercise than others. In general, young dogs have more spunk than seniors. It's important to tailor activities and pace to the breed or even the individual dog.

Playtime can include plenty of good bonding and behavioral training. For dogs, it should all be good fun. Not only can these activities help keep dogs stimulated, training that helps dogs understand human expectations will help keep both pets and people happier.

3. Schedule regular vet appointments

Mostly, vet visits should include:

  • Regularly scheduled vaccinations: Both vets and pet owners should have a record of vaccinations and be sure to keep these updated. 
  • Checks and preventative medications for parasites: Some common parasites of dogs include fleas, ticks, and heartworm. In this case, prevention's ideal; however, vets can also offer treatment for most affected dogs. 
  • A chance to ask questions and get advice about health concerns: Sometimes, underlying problems may be obvious and treatable at home. At other times, rely upon a vet's medical training and experience.


Despite the best efforts of good pet parents, dogs may get into the wrong food or develop sudden health issues or unacceptable behaviors. As always, vets and other pet professionals can provide great resources. They may advise you to change some things about your dog's lifestyle or diet or, in some cases, get medical treatment.

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